Monday, February 18, 2013


So today our rotation sites were released to us. We knew it was coming, but we weren't sure exactly when. Part way through therapeutics someone in a group behind me said they were up so of course everyone in my group starting logging into the site and seeing where we were assigned. This excitement of course threw off everyones focus and no one was really listening to what the prof was saying. She realized this and then allowed us each to look at the sites for 3 minutes and told us to focus for the rest of the class period. This helped a little, but really for the rest of the day I wasn't that focused on what either of my professors were saying.

Finding out where I will be spending my next year and where I will be able to put the last 5 years of schooling into practice before going off into the "real" world where I don't have a pharmacist watching what I'm doing was both exciting and scary. It's so crazy to think that in 3 months I'll be done with classes and starting rotations. It honestly seemed like this day would never come so now that it's here it's crazy! I am pretty happy with my sites, I would have liked to have been out of Des Moines for a few more, but overall I think they will all be great and I will get a lot of different experiences.

Do you like how I've written so much about them without actually saying where they are? Well I'll tell you now so you'll know where to find me next year and since I can't post it on facebook since I'm off that right now.

1st block: Des Moines Central Correctional Pharmacy
2nd and 3rd block: India
4th block: Primary Health Care in Des Moines
5th block: Mercy in Des Moines for counseling/discharge
6th block: Broadlawns for a psych rotation in Des Moines
7th block: vacation
8th block: Alaska
9th block: Mercy in Sioux City for my general hospital
10th block: Broadlawns for my acute care

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lent 2013

If you remember from last years lent season I gave up facebook, twitter, and pinterest. You can read more about that decision here.  Also if you look through some old posts from February and March of last year you can find out how it went for me.

This year I've decided to give up facebook and twitter again. I spend a lot of my time on these two sites and so I think its healthy to give them up and use that extra time to focus on my relationship with God. This will also allow me to get more school work done and pay attention in class more so I think it will be a win-win.

I will try and update my blog more about what is going on in my life during this time, but I'm not sure how good I will be at it so don't get too excited, Traci.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Greek Conference

Last weekend I headed to Indianapolis, IN for Greek IV Conference. It was so much fun and I'm so glad I went. Here's a little recap of what I did and learned from the weekend:

I had to go later than the rest of the group because of my classes so I flew to Indianapolis. After a strange start to my journey at the Des Moines Airport where attendance was taken on the plane I made it to Indianapolis and was picked up at the airport by a volunteer with the conference. I got all checked in and then headed to my room to hang out with the other Drake peeps. There were 5 other DGs (Tess, Christina, Lindsay, Haley, Anna), Amy, and Turk from Drake. That first night I missed the sessions, but still got to chat with all of those wonderful people before we went to bed. We spent the night talking about a lot of random things and it was so great to see my DG sisters again and spend time with them as well as meet one of the new members.

We got up and got ready then heading to Starbucks for breakfast. We arrived at our concentrations a little late because of this breakfast stop, but we decided people needed to eat. My concentration was called Influencer and my specific section was about how to influence the world. It was aimed at graduating seniors and so it talked a lot about making the transition from a student in a greek house to the "real world", and how we can be influential in our new location. It was a great concentration- I learned a lot and it really made me think about some things.
Here are the things that stuck out to my from the concentration:

  • God is still shaping you: life in your 20s is primarily about what God is going to be doing in you rather than through you. This is the time of your life where you are figuring out who you are and what God is calling you do. Your calling is not just about what you do, but who you are and what you are becoming.
  • Get to know yourself better- find out what your passions are. There is a quote that we talked about and that I have talked about before about where the deepest needs are and where your passions meet is where God is calling you. I just love this!
  • Stay connected to others in community- wherever you are sink your roots in deep no matter the length of time you will be there. This really stuck out to me because lately I've been thinking how I won't be at Drake much longer and then I'll be moving about for the next year so it doesn't exactly matter what I'm doing. Even though I'll be in these places for a short amount of time I need to be present and loving people and finding people who I can be in community with while I'm traveling around.
During our lunch break we headed to the Butler area and ate at the Ripple Bagel Deli and it was SOOO good. Haley ate here on a college visit and said it was good and so we decided to check it out. After that we headed over to the DG house at Butler and asked for a tour. Our tour guide was really nice and did a great job showing us around the house and explaining things even though we just dropped by. I love looking at other DG chapters and seeing the similarities and differences. Their house is a lot bigger than ours and has more of a typical sorority house feel in my opinion.

After supper back at the hotel we had large group time. The speaker was James Choung and he did a great job. The talk was on the "good life" and what exactly does that mean. It focused on the story of the rich man who was told to give up all his wealth and follow Jesus, but he couldn't do it. I feel like this has been in theme in my life lately through Urbana and Greek Conference and other things. To follow Jesus means to give up everything and follow him for the good life. It's not what the world says it is, but it is so much better. I think that has been hard for me to accept lately. I love having plans and everything mapped out and control so it's really hard for me to trust God's plan and timing for my life and to be ok with giving up that control. But if I really want to follow Jesus that is going to be what I have to do. I'm still not sure what exactly that looks like in my life, but I'm excited to continue to say yes to God in all the small ways and figure out what his plan is for my life.

After that we had a dance party and the theme was country clubbin' so we all got dressed up in our preppy attire and headed to the dance party. It was actually a lot of fun dancing and hanging out with everyone. Then after the party we headed to our room and chatted for quite a while before we went to bed.

We woke up, got ready, and headed back to Des Moines. It was an 8 hour car ride back and so it was nice to chat some more and also rest a little. I'm not the best at sleeping in the car so I didn't do that, but still just got to rest and relax before coming back home.

Here's some pics from the weekend:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Week of Classes

On Monday my last semester of college classes started. It's crazy to think that this is the last semester of classes and then I start rotations in May for 1 year and will graduate in 2014. When I started college it seemed like the end would never come, but it has really flown by. I know everyone says that about college, but when you decide to go to pharmacy school for 6 years and watch the majority of your friends graduate and start their "real' jobs it seems like you'll be in school forever. 

I still obviously need to pass all of my classes this semester (which I hope I can do) and then do the year of rotations, but the end is near which is both exciting and scary. I really can't wait to find out where my rotations will be and what I will be doing for the next year. I hope that rotations will help me narrow down exactly what I want to do and if a residency if for me. I also hope I will be in a variety of locations so I can decide where I would like to live after school. All of these unknowns are quite scary, but I know that God has a plan for me and I need to let Him work and all I have to do is say yes to him.

Now back to classes.... 
The first week went pretty well. I was really hoping for a snow day on Wednesday since all the other Des Moines metro school had the day off, but had no luck. I had class in the afternoon and the roads weren't too bad by that time so I made it to classes safely. I'll give you all a little run down of my classes this semester so in case I talk about them in later blog posts you'll know what I'm talking about. (this probably won't happen since I don't really talk about my classes on here, but you never know)

Advanced Pharmacy Skills and Applications (APSA) lecture and lab: this is a class where we learn skills that are important for pharmacists such as: counseling, dispensing, vitals, history of present illness, etc. On Monday we talked about cultural competencies and resources you can use to learn more about another culture.

Therapeutics III: this is the third and final class in the series, which teaches us how the medications that treat different conditions and what side effects to expect, dosages, etc. Right now we are learning about oncology, which is an interesting topic, but also very confusing and difficult.

Quality Improvement in Pharmacy Practice: we have been talking about health care and how in the US there really isn't a system and there should be more done to have consistency throughout the health care system. We also discussed about what quality means and if it is different for the consumer than it is for the company.

Clinical Laboratory Medicine: in this class we talk about common lab values that we will see in practice and how to interpret them and what to do to treat abnormalities. I think this class will be really helpful when I go on rotations.

Advanced Psychiatric Pharmacy: this class goes more in depth in psychiatric disorders as well as how to treat them than our therapeutics class. On Friday we talked about stigmas associated with mental disorders and also played a review bingo of common medications prescribed for mental disorders.

I think I'm going to like a lot of my classes and they will all be helpful next year on rotations. It's also really nice to only have 16 credits this semester and I have already noticed how much time I have to get stuff done. This will probably change once things actually get started, but for now I don't feel like I'm drowning in homework, which is good.

Since I don't really have any pictures to add about school. For some reason I don't take pictures in the middle of class, maybe I should start? I'll add a picture of when I went to Minnesota a couple of weeks ago and went ice skating.