Thursday, April 21, 2011

Catch Up

Well I haven't blogged for a while [as my friend Traci pointed out today] so I decided I'd update you all on my life. It hasn't been too interesting, but I'll give you some highlights in bullet form of the past month:
  • Planned the Relays Parade for last Saturday (16th), which ended up being canceled because of the weather.
  • Canceled parade allowed me to go watch my friend Traci throw the shot and hammer in the cold/windy weather
  • Next on Saturday was DG formal. It was at the top floor of the Holiday Inn in Des Moines, and was a lot of fun!
Part of the DG Bible Study
  •  Streetpainting was on Sunday. That was fun. I don't have any pictures from it. I didn't really get painted. I just wore clothes from last year so it looked like I was painted and just painted the Intervarsity square so no one really painted me, which I was a fan of.
  • I've also started reading the book Love Wins by Rob Bell. So far I've really enjoyed it. I knew about all the controversy surrounding the book before I started it. I think so far that he's just written things to make you really think about your faith, and I've enjoyed that. I'll let you all know more about it (if I remember) when I'm done.
  • I've had 2 tests so far this week and 1 more tomorrow. One of the tests was in the class that I meet with my professor each week and I got more score back today and I did really well so I'm excited about that. Also the other test, I doubt when super well cuz I didn't study that much. Hopefully the one tomorrow is ok.
  • I've been helping plan a unity night for the Christian's on Drake's campus. The planning seems to be going well. If you're a Drake student reading this you should probably check out the event.  It's on Tuesday from 9-10:30 pm and should be really cool.
  • I just went with some girls from DG Bible Study to the Maundy Thursday service at Hope tonight. It was a really good service and I really enjoy going to church with other people it makes me happy. Also it was some people's first communion so it was really cute to see all the kids in their dress up clothes. Some of these kids also did the Bible reading so that was adorable.
  • Relays is next week so things around here I'm sure will be crazy. I'm excited to go watch the relays, the pancake breakfast, and probably Court Ave. Relays is such an interesting time on Drake's campus and I'm sure being 21 and living in the house will make that experience all the more interesting. We also found out that we don't have any classes on Relays Friday, which is so strange for pharmacy kids.
  •  Easter is this weekend so I'm going home. I'm also planning The 2nd Annual Night Easter Egg Hunt with my friends at home so if I remember I'll take some awesome pics of the event.
  • Well I hope that you all love the bullet update of my life. I'm sure I forgot some very important things that happened in my life, but that's fine.


  1. Thanks, Emily! I love the bullet update of your life and I do not think you forgot anything, because I was mentioned and I was secretly hoping I would be, because that was a pretty significant event in your life! Also, I definitely hope you document the 2nd Annual Night Easter Egg Hunt in pictures because I want to be seeing pictures will have to suffice. Wow, and I also enjoy how you linked me to my Player Bio page. Duh. But funny!

  2. I thought you would like that. The bio also points out the fact that you have a forgotten sibling lol :) and I should have known that was why you wanted me to blog, just so you can be mentioned.
