Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crazy Love

Right now in InterVaristy we are reading the book 'Crazy Love' by Frances Chan. It's about God's love for us. I also lead a Bible study in my sorority house and we're also studying the book at the same time. I've already read the book once, but am getting a lot more out of it this time. [It could be that I'm reading it a lot faster...not starting it at the airport in Addis Ababa in August and then finally finishing it in September]

This weeks topic was about being a lukewarm Christian and serving God our leftovers. This is something that I struggle with. Frances Chan gives a list of examples of being lukewarm such as: going to church every Sunday out of obligation, giving as long as it doesn't interfere with your standard of living, not wanting to be saved from sin only from the penalty of sin, rarely share their faith, don't love God with your whole heart, soul and strength, drink/swear less than your average unbeliever, but otherwise aren't different, and many other examples.

The serving leftovers chapter talked a lot about how God would rather you be hot or cold because then you at least have some passion. About how much we as a church/Christians don't rely on God and therefore cannot fully love him. Part of the reason why we don't do this is because we are wealthy and have a lot of the things we need. We don't feel like we need God to provide our everyday essentials because we can do that ourselves. In reality there are always areas of our lives that we need God to provide for us. That is my prayer for the rest of the week and the rest of our Crazy Love study. For God to reveal all of the areas that I need to fully trust and rely on Him to provide for me.

There is so much other good stuff in this book. If you haven't ever read it I encourage you to. Otherwise I encourage you to read it again, and maybe with others. I'm finding out that I discover so much more during Wednesday nights at Current and then Thursday nights in Bible Study. I do feel like it's making us closer as sisters, which I love. That is all for now.

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