Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Post

This is going to be a short post since I need to get to bed since I have a PDA test in the morning. (No, not Public Displays of Affection, but Principles of Drug Action). I've decided to start a blog because a few of my friends have recently started them and I enjoy reading them, as well as reading other people that I don't know blogs. I'm not sure exactly what this blog will be about. It will probably be a little bit about what goes on in my life each day, what I'm learning, etc. I'm excited for people to read it and enjoy what I'm discovering at the end of my third year in college and end of my first year as a graduate student. So I hope my friend Michelle enjoys the fact that now she can creep on my blog and leave comments like I've been doing to her these first 4 weeks of school. Also I have another older blog about my trip to Ethiopia this summer that you can check out if you're interested. It's

1 comment:

  1. love love love love love. the end.

    PS - do you know what would be really cool? If you BLOGGED about the chapter where we all get to wear our hats!!! bahaha.
